Welcome to the Relax For Life Wellness Channel

The new Relax For Life Wellness Channel

Dr Daniel Irvine from Irvine Chiropractic has teamed up with Relax For Life to provide regular videos on better living through reduced pain, relaxation and stress management. Visit our YouTube Channel every week to get some great tips on how to reduce your aches and pains as well as being kind to your body.

You can read the video transcript below:

Transcript of Relax For Life Wellness Channel Video – Introduction

Hello and welcome to edition #1 of the wellness channel, here at “relax for life.” My name is Doctor Daniel Irvine and I am a chiropractor here in the local area of Peakhurst and also out in Parramatta.

I have made my way here because the owners of this fantastic place, ‘Relax for Life’ have been patients of mine for many years and have seen my passion for helping people achieve their optimum health.

My background is, I have been playing at the top level of Rugby League for about 8 years here in Australia, had a lot of injuries that struck me down fairly early in my career, so I had to retire at around 25, 26 years of age. Through my time playing though, I came across some really fantastic health practitioners in the way of chiropractors and physiotherapists. And, I chose to be a chiropractor, I found that they really gave me a heap of great help; got me back on the paddock really quickly, but also they opened my eyes to the possibility that we can be achieving better health through utilizing these sorts of practitioners. Ten years later now, I am practicing in the local area and I am loving what I do with people, which has lead me along a few different paths, I now compete in natural body building as well and I am helping people with nutrition plans and exercise and coaching programs as well.

So. This channel, a little bit about what we are going to do here is, we have teamed up with Relax for Life, to give you guys some really excellent information on anything to do with wellness and health. Nutrition. Exercise programming. Why do we stretch? Why do we want to achieve perfect posture? All of these fantastic things. Any ideas you guys have, hit me up and I will make a video just for you.

I hope you enjoy the content. It’s all about adding value to your life and helping you achieve better health. I hope you enjoy the journey. And that’s me for today.


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